Learn how our team is working hard to keep both our Buyers and Sellers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What steps are our Buyers taking to keep Sellers safe?

Our team requires all Buyers to sign a COVID-19 Screening Form before we book any showings. We encourage clients to investigate properties online first – virtual tours, photos, Google maps, etc. to really get a sense of the property before we visit in person. At this time, there is no reason to see a home if it does not fit your search criteria.

In addition, Buyers should strive to get pre-approved for a mortgage before they start house hunting.

Masks are mandatory for the duration of all showings, as well as sanitizing hands before and after showings. Limiting touching of surfaces, like doors, and asking clients not to open kitchen cupboards. Ideally, showings would be kept on the shorter side, to limit the amount of time inside the home, when possible.

For out of town clients, we can offer video chat walk-throughs, with only one team member entering the home to provide the tour. We also encourage our buyers to view virtual tours before we set up a video chat, in order to familiarize themselves with the property.

What steps can Sellers take to keep everyone safe?

Our team acknowledges that this can be a stressful time to sell your home. We encourage Sellers to take all possible steps in order to keep everyone safe:

While not mandatory, it is ideal that Sellers leave during a showing to limit in person contact.
Open all doors and draw back all curtains before a showing.
Turn on all lights.
Keep hand sanitizer in an easy to access location. We can provide a bottle if requested. We also have extra disposable masks, however most Buyers have their own as a condition of viewing the property.
Clean exterior door handles after showings, as these were touched in order to enter the property.

What happens during a lockdown?

Real estate remains an essential service, however not all aspects will be available. Our team does not participate in Open Houses during lockdowns. We also encourage all clients to work with us remotely using electronic signature programs.

Both Sellers and Buyers are screened prior to working with our team. We do not recommend listing your home for sale within 14 days of traveling or feeling unwell. We will be unable to accommodate showings for buyers who have traveled, been symptomatic, or encountered a positive case of COVID-19 within the past 14 days.

We offer virtual tours for all of our listings. These tours allow potential Buyers to tour your home without an in-person showing.

Floor plans allow potential Buyers to see if your home meets their criteria without needing to be there in person. They can evaluate the room sizing, location of rooms, etc. from the plans we provide.

Highlight your property with drone videos. Great for showing off acreage, waterfront homes, or beautiful backyards.

We can also offer interior video – especially great for marketing your home online, we can show off specific rooms or features on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Professional photography shows off all aspects of your home, highlighting special features and key selling points.